Earn money on amazon


Amazon freelancing, earn money if you have skills

Blog covers

·       How to earn money from Amazon.

·       Skills that are required to start work

·       My experience with and experties

I am going to share my life experience so that someone can learn from me and help me out. Hope you all like it too.

Amazon is an American multinational corporation that sells various products such as consumer electronics, clothing, books, video games, toys etc. It was founded in 1996 by Jeff Bezos (CEO until his death) and Andy Jassy as a response to the stiff competition in online marketplace. The headquarter of Amazon is in Seattle Washington, D.C..

As a college student I wanted to make some extra cash or spend time at school. So I started looking for job in different places around me and made several contacts with employers. As soon as I joined the company after joining there was no any form of benefits like health insurance. It was all good for two days then my phone battery died suddenly because they had one more customer call. But there were also ads and promotions that could add up to your income. Fortunately, it went on to me. So I went back to campus and joined another company which let me use my personal email account. The salary was much less compared to Amazon but it was enough to live on for myself.

I have worked there for almost 4 months and finally the time came. Now I am trying to get my first promotion, because it is very important for working in this company.

After getting promoted few people from Amazon asked me about what I did and what are my skills which they don't know much about. My answer was "I think I have 2 good skills. I have great communication skill. There are many issues we confront in our workplace where our boss keeps giving poor feedback and response this makes us feel unwanted." So I told them "this skill can be used at the place you want. Its not difficult to convince people who are thinking bad".

This particular skill is applicable only for Amazon. You can say that I am using the skill to improve my communication skills. You can do it in two different ways. One way is to prepare a presentation and show it to others, and second way is to make a speech on your own.

The last part when I gave my speech was full focus on using good grammar and punctuation and making sure people understood me. By doing these things people were impressed because now they understand their task is very important. Then people understood that my ability is worth it. People said they will give a recommendation to a person because If you have skill which could be useful. At least that's how it was for four months.

Then in September I got the notification of being promoted to Associate Manager. It was a huge for me. Someone named Chris was here who has been promoted with me. Before my interview I checked if he was still a new recruit for Amazon since he was hired there. When I saw him in interview I tried hard to impress him and explained my reasons why I picked Amazon. That time it seemed everyone in the office was paying attention to me as well. Some of them gave me advice and tried to show that I am better than people who have a degree. I took the advice and made my statement. He asked me to come to his company and we talked and it was pretty interesting as I didn't really have anything to say to him except that I liked his style of communication. I just told him I was going to join Amazon with confidence and leave everything behind. We met up and talked about the topic, and talked and shared experiences and opinions about other companies.

When he was done talking, I asked him about his current job. He replied that he was working somewhere else. When I asked him about that he told me that he wasn't happy there because his sales guy was the worst at meeting his potential clients. I was shocked and shocked. A salesman cannot even say how many times he should have gone to customers. And he doesn't know everything. This is something that I will talk later on.

He has been working as sales person for 1 week and I am talking with him again. His whole boss has given him the same feedback for 3 times. First thing is, he is always complaining about his attitude. The next person who is standing next to me is saying I'm not good at having direct eye contact and my personality. If that kind of language is allowed in a sales person, I want to apply that type of behaviour in a manager as well who is in close contact with customers. This would definitely not end well. So there's no scope to work with him.

So now I’m worried if the boss will keep saying “it's not difficult to attract people who are thinking bad” or he is still in denial about his feelings. Even he had asked me about it many times and told me that I had some good skill at communicating. This conversation is one more chance to prove it. All I need is a little more convincing technique.

After some days we were talking and now he is really enthusiastic in my capabilities. I told him that I believe I have a natural ability to speak because I am very confident in it. In addition, I like to contact and I love to elucidate things. What I need is more passion and confidence to complete his task. After telling him I said that I need to work on my public speaking skills. Now I am concentrating on expanding these abilities.

After some weeks of study we are going to take our final exam and then it would be my decision whether to go for promotion or not. He seems to like me a lot now, but now he is more open to listening to my perspectives. I think that this is a sign that I could be a better leader, and maybe if I have the right attitude, it could be that type of environment and employees will respect me.

Now it’s his turn to ask me about my skills and what kind of tasks I may have to manage in the future. Maybe to discuss with him more. We are both friends and we have a clear understanding of each other. We are friends of course, but we have a lot in common. So I don't want to be the boss and he needs a good leader who has the same characteristics. It can be a result that he does not think of himself as a manager but thinks of himself as someone who helps someone to accomplish his goals more efficiently. This might be an advantage for the company for long- So term success and growth.

I have learned how to prepare speeches on my own. And I think I will continue learning to become smarter in my public speaking potential. I think my public speaking capacities are much wanted in business. I believe I have a very good future ahead of me.

